Word Meaning English to Hindi Daily use Word
English Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning
English to Hindi
common english words used in daily life with hindi meaning
As we all know that vocabulary is the cornerstone of your English skills. It can not apply the rules of English grammar without strengthening it.Affair - कामकाज।
Apex - शिखर।
Banishment - निर्वासन, देश निकाला।
Bioscope - सिनेमा का पुराना नाम।
Dare - साहस।
Flexibility - लचीलापन।
Glob - गोला।
Guilty - दोषी।
Infrared ray - पराबैगनी किरणे।
Peer - ध्यान से देखना।
Procession - जुलूस।
Proximity - निकटता।
Suspect - सन्देह करना।
Tide - ज्वार।
Variation - परिवर्तन।
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